martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

FINGERPLUS - Green Economy Forum

13 and 14 October 2010
in the Madrid Congress Centre
Palacio de Congresos de Madrid - Campo de las naciones.

Asociacion Fingerplus, Green Economy Forum, organises the second edition of the International Engineering, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment Forum, with the participation of technical professions, benchmark universities, public administration, business organisations and technological companies as a whole, offering a meeting point in the sphere of sustainability and innovation to management, technical cadres and future professionals.

Fingerplus is designed to facilitate participation to business leaders and professionals eager to know how to be greener, once we know about sustainable development and after its inclusion in Spain’s political and economic agenda.

The project is structured around round tables and case study presentations: Engineering in the face of the crisis / Energy Mix. The role of Renewables / Sustainable Economy and Energy Efficiency.

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